Top Norwegian Exam eBook !

With this ebook, you'll have everything you need to master Norskprøve and achieve great results.

Success Stories with Our eBook

  • Julia Irtisev

    "Fantastisk eBook til å lære norsk. Jeg gjorde alt og bestod Norskprøven på B1. "

    3 lipca 2023

  • John McCarthy

    "Great eBook! Helped me pass the exam"

    12 July 2023

  • Ingrid Johansan

    "eBook er et fantastisk verktøy for å lære norsk. Du må jobbe grundig med alle oppgaver og spørsmål. Takket være dette bestod jeg Norskprøve på B1-nivå! 📘"

    23. juni 2023

  • Natalia Ejtminowicz

    "Z całego serca polecam eBook dla każdego, kto chce nauczyć się norweskiego. Nie jest to dla leniwych, ale praca z nim naprawdę się opłaca. Zdałam Norskprøve na B1! 😊"

    23 czerwca 2023

  • Emily Devis

    "I highly recommend the eBook for anyone serious about learning Norwegian. It's challenging, but working through all the exercises helped me pass the Norskprøve at B1 level. 😊"

    5 August 2023

  • Kari Nordmenn

    "Jeg anbefaler eBook på det varmeste til alle som vil lære norsk. Det er ikke for late mennesker, men arbeidet lønner seg virkelig. Jeg bestod Norskprøve på B1-nivå! 😊"

    7. juli 2023

  • Martyna Kula

    "Jeg liker eBook for å lære norsk. Jeg gjorde alt og bestod Norskprøven på B2! "

    7 lipca 2023

  • James Brown

    "The eBook was crucial in helping me pass the Norskprøve at B1 level. The materials are detailed and require effort, but it's totally worth it. Highly recommended! 🎉"

    15 September 2023

  • Maria Hansen

    "eBook er veldig hjelpsom for å lære norsk. Det krever systematisk arbeid, men jeg bestod Norskprøve på B1-nivå. Anbefales på det sterkeste! 😊"

    26. mai 2023

  • Łukasz Dzik

    "Super eBook do nauki norweskiego! Przerobiłem wszystko i zdałem Norskprøven. Polecam każdemu! 😊"

    26 maja 2023

  • Samantha Green

    "The eBook provided all the resources I needed to pass the B1 exam. Highly recommended for anyone learning Norwegian!"

    1 October 2023

  • Chain Olsen

    "Veldig bra eBook for å lære norsk. Jeg måtte jobbe gjennom alle spørsmålene, men jeg bestod Norskprøve på B1-nivå. Anbefales! 📚"

    15. desember 2022

  • Małgorzata Pacikowska

    "eBook jest bardzo pomocny w nauce norweskiego. Przerobiłam wszystkie zadania i zdałam Norskprøve. To wymagało pracy, ale było warto. 😀"

    15 grudnia 2022

  • Daniel Taylor

    "The eBook provided valuable resources for learning Norwegian. I used the eBook to study for the Norskprøven. Very satisfied!"

    20 November 2023

  • Ola Pettersan

    "eBook er veldig nyttig for å lære norsk. Du må være flittig og jobbe med alle oppgavene, men jeg bestod Norskprøve på B1-nivå. 😊"

    28. februar 2023

  • Ela Parkowska

    "Serdecznie polecam eBook! Jest pełen wartościowych materiałów, ale trzeba nad nimi sumiennie pracować. Dzięki niemu zdałam Norskprøve na B1! 🥰"

    28 lutego 2023

  • Michael Keen

    "The eBook is an excellent tool for learning Norwegian. I confidently passed the Norskprøven B2! 📖"

    5 December 2023

  • Lusia Larsen

    "Fantastisk eBook for å lære norsk. Det krever hardt arbeid, men jeg bestod Norskprøve på B1-nivå. Anbefales! 📘"

    10. mars 2023

  • Adam Olczek

    "Świetny eBook! Dzięki niemu zdałem Norskprøve na poziomie B1. Nie jest to dla leniwych, trzeba przerobić wszystkie pytania. Gorąco polecam! 📖"

    15 marca 2023

  • Emma Wilson

    "The eBook is very valuable for learning Norwegian. You need to work diligently on all tasks, but the results are worth it. I passed the Norskprøve at B1 level! 😊"

    20 April 2023

  • Kristoffer Sørensan

    "Jeg anbefaler eBook til alle som vil lære norsk. Det er ikke for de late, men innsatsen lønner seg. Jeg bestod Norskprøve på B1-nivå! 🎉"

    15. april 2023

  • Ewa Katarzynska

    "Bardzo wartościowy eBook do nauki norweskiego. Trzeba pracować nad wszystkimi zadaniami, ale wynik jest tego wart. Zdałam Norskprøve na B1! 😊"

    10 kwietnia 2023

  • David Dybvik

    "I highly recommend the eBook for learning Norwegian. It’s comprehensive and requires effort, but I passed the Norskprøve at B1 level thanks to it. 📘"

    1 May 2023

  • Regine Eriksen

    "Utrolig nyttig eBook for å lære norsk. Du må jobbe med alle oppgavene, men jeg bestod Norskprøve på B1-nivå. Anbefales på det sterkeste! 😊"

    5. mai 2023

  • Krzysztof Potocki

    "Dzięki eBookowi zdałem Norskprøve na poziomie B1. Materiały są szczegółowe i wymagają pracy, ale naprawdę pomagają. Polecam! 🎉"

    5 maja 2023

Don't be surprised at Norskprøve: Get ready with 465 tasks!

Pass the Norskprøve exam with our helpful E-book! 📝🎉

With the Norsk AI Tutor application and this handy ebook, you'll have everything you need to successfully pass the Norskprøve exam.

Here's a list of what you'll get by supporting me:📚

  • ➡️ E-book with 465 sample writing tasks to help you pass the Norskprøve exam with topics you will encounter in the exam
  • ➡️ Step-by-step instructions on how to download the Norsk AI Tutor app for free on your phone or desktop
  • ➡️Practicalvocabulary dictionary translated into Norwegian, Polish and English, helpful for improving image descriptions
  • ➡️50 diverse images for practicing image descriptions
  • ➡️ 🧑‍🎓 Are you at the beginning of your journey in learning Norwegian? Our eBook is available in Polish and English
  • ➡️📝 Z tym eBookiem opanujesz pisanie skarg

Check out our e-book!📚

How it works:

Support this project! You can do it by clicking this secure link or by visiting the official website of the bank "SPLEIS FRA SPAREBANK1". Search for the project titled: Dugnad for å støtte og utvikle norsk AI-tutor.

Support the NorskAI project

Support us and receive an e-book and a password

This e-book contains 465 tasks and 50 illustrations that have helped many students pass the Norskprøve at their desired level.

With its well-thought-out structure and practical exercises, it is the perfect tool for effective learning.

By supporting us, you'll also receive a password to useful resources on Norsk AI Tutor, making your preparation even easier.

Read more here

After supporting, please send me an email with your support nickname to

Once I receive your nickname, I will send you the e-book and password.

Thank you for your support! If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us. ❤️❤️

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